Lena Armstrong


Lena Armstrong is a NSF Graduate Research Fellow and Computer Science PhD Student at Harvard University, working with Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg at the Insight & Interaction Lab.

Her research has focused on human computer interaction, algorithmic justice, and AI auditing. She is interested in bridging humans and technology for social impact, understanding bias and opacity in automated systems, and encouraging more inclusive experiences in computer science.


Lena Armstrong, Abbey Liu, Stephen MacNeil, and Danaë Metaxa. “The Silicon Ceiling: Auditing GPT’s Race and Gender Biases in Hiring.” EAAMO 2024.

Lena Armstrong, Jayne Everson, Amy J. Ko. “Navigating a Blackbox: Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Automated Hiring.” ICER 2023.

Jean Salac, Alannah Oleson, Lena Armstrong, Audrey Le Meur, Amy J. Ko. “Funds of Knowledge used by Adolescents of Color in Scaffolded Sensemaking around Algorithmic Fairness.” ICER 2023. [BEST PAPER]

Jean Salac, Lena Armstrong, Megumi Kivuva, Jayne Everson, Alannah Oleson, Amy J. Ko. “How Economically-Marginalized Adolescents of Color Negotiate Critical Pedagogy in a Computing Classroom.” (submitted)

Lena Armstrong and Danaë Metaxa. “Navigating Automated Hiring: Fairness Perceptions, Strategy Use, and Outcomes Among Young Job Seekers.” (submitted)

Andrew Revell, Alexander Silva, Dhanya Mahesh, Lena Armstrong, Thomas Arnold, John Bernabei, Brain Litt, Ezquiel Gleichgerrcht, Leonardo Bonilha, Joel Stein, Sandhitsu Das, Russell Shinohara, Danielle Bassett, Kathryn Davis. “White Matter Signals Reflect Information Transmission Between Brain Regions During Seizures.(submitted)


Design Use Build (DUB) REU Program (June - August 2022)

HCII Summer Undergraduate Research Program (June - August 2021)


Penn Center for Neuroengineering and Therapeutics (May 2020 - December 2021)

Work and Leadership Experiences

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